Favorite Genres: Horror, Comedy, B-movie (that's a genre, right?)
Favorite Movies: 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Black Swan, It Happened One Night, The Exorcist, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Death Becomes Her, Airplane! (there's more, but I don't want to bore you)
About: Well, The Fifth Element inspired me to review movies, and I've always wanted to do a review blog where I could tear apart really, really sucky movies. I love a good movie as much as the next person, but I also get a sick satisfaction from watching horrible films. I'll also probably be heading the game review portion of this blog, as I'm the bigger game geek of the two of us. I hate Megan Fox, I love watching foreign films after midnight, and if Tim Burton had a hand in it, there's probably some merchandise related to it somewhere in my house. That's it for now.
Favorite Genres: Comedy, Suspense, B-list (Shut up, it is TOO a genre!), and any shitty movies
Favorite Movies: Horse Feathers, Duck Soup, A Day At The Races, any movie with Matthew Perry , Jim Carry ,or Jack Black.
About: I am a part-human/part-human nonhuman human. Aside from being a total idiot, I make shitty music as well as shitty reviews. If you ever met me in real life you'd probably think I was Angus T. Young (fo realz). I am the more musically-inclined of the two, so I'm the music/music gear reviewer. If you have any money laying around the house, please give it to us, we need to endorse.